Whatever the Application, Upstream or Downstream, Westbrook has the Answer
All of Westbrook’s concentric and eccentric swages and bull plugs meet the requirements of ASME/ANSI B16.9 & MSS SP-95. Available from stock in carbon steel and stainless steel, our swage sizes range from 1/4” x 1/8” thru 8” x 2”. Most reductions and schedules (s/10 through XXH), end preparations (TBE, PBE, PXT, BXT, BBE & BXP).
Westbrook also maintains the most extensive inventory of combination schedule and eccentric swages in the industry. Bull plugs are available in sizes 1/8” thru 8”, in most schedules from STOCK. Special orders and expedited deliveries on swages & bull plugs are available in Chromes, Nickel, Alloys & Exotics.
232 - Carbon Steel